New module installing error in rest-hmvc

I have installed rest-hmvc from GitHub - coldbox-templates/rest-hmvc: A modular RESTFul API Template.
Whenever I tried to install cbmail service, this give me error until everything installed correctly but It give me
invalid component definition, can’t find component [modules.cbmailservices.ModuleConfig]
help me to fix this issue, please.

I just ran the following commands to test this

mkdir restmailtest --cd
coldbox create app skeleton=rest-hmvc
install cbmailservices

A browser appeared with the followig

I did not receive any error. Please provide specific steps to reproduce your error. Or perhaps try again from scratch and see if it happens again.

Thanks for your reply, I have added some changes to my website functionality. I think that is the reason to give me cbmailservices.Moduleconfig.cfc did not load the error that I faced.