Hello community. I have been developing ColdFusion applications for over 20 years. I would love to learn about ColdBox. While looking for information online, I found a video tutorial from ColdBox’s creators, Ortus Solutions, but from 2020, referencing to ColdBox 5 I believe. The books I have found are also a bit old. Is this information still relevant for ColdBox 7? Is there any other resource for learning the framework?
Thank you very much for your answer, @aliaspooryorik. I am following the videos from cfcasts, but they are for older versions of both ColdBox and CommandBox, so I was wondering if there was something more up-to-date. However this is a great starting point.
Regarding the screen capture I shared, I was pointing out at the menu bar icon from the video, which I don’t see in the version I am running of CommandBox. This icon, according to the video, would provide me access to switching from one server to another, without going through the console. The link you provided pointed me to a good direction…
Excelente Luis. Yo estoy buscando un tutorial como el de cfcasts para poder armar un sistema completo utilizando ColdBox, y creo que lo de cfcasts me va a servir, más allá de que sean diferentes versiones. Un gusto enorme conocerte (virtualmente)!
I would create a new topic/thread for this question since it sounds like you’d like some help troubleshooting the Zero to Hero workshop and your question is not related to OP’s post.
Create a new thread and I’ll see if I can assist you.