Ortus-Solutions/commandbox-action@v1.0.3 box install


I’m using Ortus-Solutions/commandbox-action@v1.0.3 in a GitHub Action.

I’m trying to deploy a Coldbox site to a production Lucee environment.

Everything builds and deploys successfully but it’s installing devDependencies that don’t exist in the repo and I don’t want these deployed to production.

The example suggest using:

/* This example will install development dependencies listed in the box.json package file. */

  • uses: Ortus-Solutions/commandbox-action@v1.0.3
    cmd: install

What is required to only install dependencies, not devDependencies, listed in box.json?

I’ve tried adding a GitHub Action step that creates a .env file with ENVIRONMENT=production before the box install but that didn’t work.

Is there a parameter that I need to pass to box install or am I completely down the wrong path?

cmd: install --production

Will prevent the devDependencies from being installed

beautiful … thank you again @jclausen