PHP with coldbox

Is coldbox support PHP methodology?


Let me be the first to say… Huh?
Jason Durham

Yeah it’s a bit surprising someone can ignore all the blogs, documentation and website and manage to ask this question.

So funny but should also be seen as a complement that PHP doesn’t have anything like ColdBox J


Andrew Scott

Official answer is, nope. There is no PHP version of ColdBox and I don’t think there could be a direct one because of all the java integration and methodology we have. Plus, I am not proficient in php at all.

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:
Linked In:
IECFUG Manager:

There used to be a PHP version of Fusebox but it was very hard to
maintain because PHP has no concept of in-memory state shared across
requests - something that all the CFML frameworks rely heavily on. So,
it's pretty much impossible to port any CFML framework to PHP because
of the reliance on objects in shared memory scopes.

I guess the question should be: why are you asking? What do you need /
want to do? Is there a reason you couldn't use ColdBox and CFML? After
all, Railo is a free open source CFML engine that supports ColdBox so
license cost shouldn't be a factor. Railo is a JBoss community

Maybe they’re stuck on PHP… in which case they should look at the appropriate MVC framework for PHP, which would probably be CakePHP or Symfony.

I love the state of frameworks today - each major web language has at least one MVC framework, as opposed to a few years ago, when you’d have to switch design patterns in addition to language.

Billy Cravens

Sorry to brother you guys. I have existing project which is still
implementing in PHP and yet using fusebox as framework. I love the
coldbox framework as being implemented until now, and would like to
ask whether will the coldbox can be part of PHP framework in the


Sean Corfield answered that question for you, the inner workings of ColdBox
would not suit PHP.

If you think about this for a minute, you might be able to create a
ColdFusion site with ColdBox and leverage of the Java Quercus PHP engine to
run PHP code within ColdFusion.

Andrew Scott

Php does not have or allow an Application (cfc) like cf does.

I have programmer in php for years.

I can't speak for the creator if ColdBox - but, as the php architect stands now, I don't see how that would ever be possible.

I had to convert a lot of php script over to cf.

Besides, I have found cf to be faster, more powerful and easier to program in.

- Russell