I’m new to quick orm. Have a fairly simple query to get the expected result but reading the results from the return queryBuilder instance would have been a nightmare.
Example: Let say I have a Account (pkid, accountNumber, createDate, createBy, …) table and Spendings(pkid, accountId, amount, …). I have created the entity models for both tables with the associations written.
Now if I run the following:
.select( [ “accountId” ] )
.selectRaw( [ “sum(amount) as totalSpendings” ] )
.groupBy( [“accountId”] )
Now I’m expected to get the results in array like:
[ { “accountId”: 100, “totalSpendings”: 2000 }, { “accountId”: 101, “totalSpendings”: 3000 } ]
But I am not able to get the expected results I have tried wirteDump in coldfusion to see the returned results. I can see the expected values under the _data property. But not sure and found no way to grab the results.
Any help or direction would highly be appreciated here. Thanks for your time.