RE: [coldbox:23682] [Coldbox 3.8.1] problem with instance.modulesConfig[moduleName] in renderer.cfc

Show us your config options, please. Configautoreload, for example.

Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

I had no idea what You were talking about, so I google it, and it seems configAutoReload no longer exists in 3.8.1:

But the rest of my config is (going over this now, I realized it may be the modules’s autoreload setting causing this, will check it out later this day):
function configure()
// coldbox directives
coldbox = {
//Development Settings
appName = “someName”,
debugMode = false,
debugPassword = “somePass”,
reinitPassword = “”,
handlersIndexAutoReload = false,

//Implicit Events
defaultEvent = “main.index”,
requestStartHandler = “main.onRequestStart”,
requestEndHandler = “main.onRequestEnd”,
applicationStartHandler = “main.onAppInit”,
applicationEndHandler = “main.onAppEnd”,
sessionStartHandler = “main.onSessionStart”,
sessionEndHandler = “main.onSessionEnd”,
missingTemplateHandler = “main.onMissingTemplate”,

//Error/Exception Handling
exceptionHandler = “main.onException”,
onInvalidEvent = “main.pageNotFound”,
customErrorTemplate = “…/themes/default/views/error/error.cfm”,

//Application Aspects
handlerCaching = false,
eventCaching = false,

// Views handling
viewsExternalLocation = “…/themes/default/views”,
viewsLocation = “…/themes/default/views”,

contentPageLocation = “…/static/”

// debugger
debugger = {
expandedInfoPanel = false,
expandedRCPanel = true

datasources = {
defaultDSN = {name=“webdata”}

// environment settings, create a detectEnvironment() method to detect it yourself.
// create a function with the name of the environment so it can be executed if that environment is detected
// the value of the environment is a list of regex patterns to match the cgi.http_host.
environments = {
development = “^local.”,
staging = “^staging.”,
training = “^training.”,
preview = “^preview.”

//i18n & Localization
i18n = {
defaultResourceBundle = “includes/i18n/main”,
defaultLocale = “en_GB”,
localeStorage = “cookie”,
unknownTranslation = “NOT FOUND

//Interceptor Settings
interceptorSettings = {
throwOnInvalidStates = false,
customInterceptionPoints = “”

//Register interceptors as an array, we need order
interceptors = [
// multidomain SES

//Layout Settings
layoutSettings = {
defaultLayout = “”,
defaultView = “”

//LogBox DSL
logBox = {
// Define Appenders
appenders = {
coldboxTracer = { class=“coldbox.system.logging.appenders.ColdboxTracerAppender” }
// Root Logger
root = { levelmax=“INFO”, appenders="*" },
// Implicit Level Categories
info = [ “coldbox.system” ]

// Module Directives
modules = {
//Turn to false in production
autoReload = true,
// An array of modules names to load, empty means all of them
include = [],
// An array of modules names to NOT load, empty means none
exclude = []

Yep, module reload would probably do it. That’s actually the setting I was thinking when I typed config auto reload, but I was on my phone so I couldn’t look it up at the time. Pretty much any setting that ends in autoreload can be bad news as soon as you start doing any threading, or ajax calls that have multiple threads running on your server at once.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

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