I have ran accross a problem that I havent been able to find a
solution for, not a clear one anyways.
Is it possible to render multiple views (partials) in a single event?
I have an event handler method like this:
<cffunction name="overview" access="public" returntype="void"
<cfargument name="Event" type="coldbox.system.beans.requestContext">
<cfset var rc = event.getCollection()>
<cfset Event.setValue("pageTitle","Dashboard")>
<cfset rc.xehAddProject = "Project.dspAddProject">
<cfset runEvent('tickets.myRecentTickets')>
<cfset runEvent('dashboard.overview')>
Both of these Events have their own views that contain basically just
list code. However when I run this event, only the last event gets
rendered. Is there a way to allow both events to fire and be rendered
in place during the execution or can you only run a single view in an
Sorry if this has been addressed before, I havent been able to find a
clear answer.
Russ Johnson