runwar.Stop error when trying to stop a Lucee instance

Hello, when I try to stop or restart this Lucee instance I get an error: “Error stopping serverError: Could not find or load main class runwar.Stop”. Can anyone tell me the correct way to fix this? Please…

I’m not familiar with that error and I certainly don’t get it when stopping servers. What version of CommandBox are you using?

It say it’s lucee 5.2.9+31

I asked for the version of CommandBox.

Oops, sorry. It says v6.0.0+00787

BTW, I finally met Luis at the ACF conference in Vegas. He seems such a nice guy! He told me about BoxLang. I need to dig into it and switch some instances to using it. Is it out of beta?

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Weird, I’m not sure why you’re seeing that error. I haven’t had anyone else report it. BoxLang is up to beta18 so it’s getting feature complete. It will release by the end of year.

Nice. What do you suggest I do with not being able to stop the server? Is there a way to force it to stop in Linux?

I’m just trying to restart Lucee after installing a new cert.

Should I just reboot the server?

After rebooting I had to manually restart the server but restart it did… Last time I opened CommandBox, it listed a bunch of things that needed to be updated. Is there a command to update things?

Not really sure since I’ve never seen that behavior before. The PID of the server will be written out to a file you can kill manually if you need.

server info property=pidfile

(Will be empty if the server isn’t running)

Yes, it’s literally right there in the output. It tells you what command to run :slight_smile:

can you run

CommandBox> server info property=runwarJarPath

in the web root of the server and check if the jar file that comes back points to a real jar file on disk?