I am seeing these warnings in my logs for each context that gets loaded.
19-May-2017 11:15:03.225 WARNING [Thread-9] com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment. More than 1 Couchbase Environments found (2), this can have severe impact on performance and stability. Reuse environments!
19-May-2017 11:15:03.225 WARNING [Thread-13] com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment. More than 1 Couchbase Environments found (3), this can have severe impact on performance and stability. Reuse environments!
19-May-2017 11:15:03.225 WARNING [Thread-27] com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment. More than 1 Couchbase Environments found (4), this can have severe impact on performance and stability. Reuse environments!
I get a set of warnings for every application that creates clients. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Each of my applications creates 3 couchbase client. One for each bucket. like so:
<cfset APPLICATION.cbluceestore = new cfcouchbase.CouchbaseClient({
servers = VARIABLES.clustermembers,
bucketName = ‘cbluceestore’,
password = VARIABLES.bucketpassword,
EnableConfigHeartBeat = true
}) />
<cfsetAPPLICATION.cbprofiles = new cfcouchbase.CouchbaseClient({
servers = VARIABLES.clustermembers,
bucketName = ‘profiles’,
password = VARIABLES.bucketpassword,
EnableConfigHeartBeat = true
}) />
<cfset APPLICATION.CBrole_matching = new cfcouchbase.CouchbaseClient({
servers = VARIABLES.clustermembers,
bucketName = ‘role_matching’,
password = VARIABLES.bucketpassword,
EnableConfigHeartBeat = true
}) />
Since i have 4 applications then I should have 12 clients
Version Lucee
Version Name Velvet
Release date May 5, 2017
ColdFusion® compatibility version 2016.0.03.300357
Configuration File C:\Sites\lucee\tomcat\lucee-server\context\lucee-server.xml
OS Windows Server 2012 R2 (6.3) 64bit
Remote IP
Host Name 09dev.nonfatmedia.net
Servlet Container Apache Tomcat/8.5.11
Java 1.8.0_121 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit
Architecture 64bit
Installed version
Type Full Version
Category Database & Cache
Release Date Jan 25, 2017
Id 14B0C2A7-5CFC-4606-9167C93959A8B82C
Provider Production Ortus Solutions Lucee Provider (lucee.ortussolutions.com)
Required Bundles (Jars) - ortus.extension.cache.couchbase (