Site structure question

Sorry if this question seems basic, but I’m still trying to learn the basics of MVC frameworks and ContentBox. I’m trying to integrate a legacy CF application to ContentBox. Basically, the current legacy app structure is as follows:

/admin (Has authentication with username/password)

  • index.cfm

  • network_settings.cfm

  • someotherpage.cfm

  • etc…
    /users (Has separate authentication from admin)

  • index.cfm

  • otherpage.cfm

  • someotherpage.cfm

  • etc…

From what I’ve gathered from the docs, I need to build module(s) from my application. So, I created a module under:


  • network-settings
    I created a ModuleConfig.cfc file in the network-settings directory and a view directory within it and I placed an index.cfm in the view directory with some basic html and it worked. I’m gathering I can replace the basic html code with some CF code from my app and it should function. However, the URL for this test page is

I really need to structure the app within Contentbox using the structure described above and the URL to be something like and then for /user part to be something like

How would I go about accomplishing that? Would I be better off to create a module for the entire /admin part of the app or would each different page be its own module.

Sorry if this is a stupid question. Still trying to learn my way around this.