Skip Closures

In the BDD style, I attempted to use the skip closures with the Given/When/Then structure. However, this did not work. Is this intentional? The documentation leads me to believe that these should have the same ability to “skip” like Describe does, but I see errors instead.

For instance, the example works flawlessly:

describe(title=“A railo suite”, body=function() {
it(“can be expected to run”, function() {
coldbox = 0;

expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );

it(title=“can have more than one expectation and another skip closure”, body=function() {
coldbox = 0;

expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );
expect( coldbox ).toBeTrue();

return false;

return !structKeyExists( server, “railo” );

However, if I swap scernario for describe and story for it, like so:

function run( testResults, testBox ){
Scenario(title=“A railo suite”, body=function() {
Story(“can be expected to run”, function() {
coldbox = 0;

expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );

Story(title=“can have more than one expectation and another skip closure”, body=function() {
coldbox = 0;

expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );
expect( coldbox ).toBeTrue();

return false;

return !structKeyExists( server, “railo” );

I get a failure:

Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error executing bundle - navpoint-tests.tests.specs.3000.HowToSkipTestsExample_Scenario message: The SCENARIO parameter to the Scenario function is required but was not passed in.

coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException: The SCENARIO parameter to the Scenario function is required but was not passed in.

If I remove the title= I get the following error:

Error Occurred While Processing Request

Invalid CFML construct found on line 22 at column 36.

ColdFusion was looking at the following text:


What am I missing?

The documentation for scenario, story, etc. all include skip in the parameters:

This might actually be a bug, I will have to verify