testbox installation fail

CommandBox:commandbox-win-3.5.0> box install testbox
Removing extra text [box ] from start of command. You don’t need that here.

Installing package [forgebox:testbox]
Verifying package ‘testbox’ in ForgeBox, please wait…

Aww man, ForgeBox isn’t feeling well.
Uh-oh, ForgeBox returned something other than JSON. Run “system-log | open” to
see the full response. GET https://www.forgebox.io/api/v1/entry/testbox
Unknown host: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building fail
ed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find v
alid certification path to requested target
Connection Failure. Status code unavailable.
We’re going to look in your local artifacts cache and see if one of those versio
ns will work.
No satisfying version found for [stable]. Well, we tried as hard as we can. For
geBox is unreachable and you don’t have a usable version in your local artifacts
cache. Please try another version.

The servers may have been temporarily down when you tried. I just ran the same command and it worked fine. Can you try again please?

Also, like the message says, you don’t need to include the word “box” when you’re already inside the interactive shell. That’s only for when you call CommandBox from your operating system’s native shell since “box.exe” is actually the name of the binary executable.

still showing error

CommandBox:commandbox-jre-win64-3.5.0> install testbox-be

Installing package [forgebox:testbox-be]
Verifying package ‘testbox-be’ in ForgeBox, please wait…

Aww man, ForgeBox isn’t feeling well.
Uh-oh, ForgeBox returned something other than JSON. Run “system-log | open” to
see the full response. GET https://www.forgebox.io/api/v1/entry/testbox-be
Unknown host: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building fail
ed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find v
alid certification path to requested target
Connection Failure. Status code unavailable.
We’re going to look in your local artifacts cache and see if one of those versio
ns will work.
No satisfying version found for [stable]. Well, we tried as hard as we can. For
geBox is unreachable and you don’t have a usable version in your local artifacts
cache. Please try another version.