I’m setting up a new coldbox app and I’d like to use cfmigrations to do some development testing. I’m using Microsoft SQL Server, and I have a SQL server with quite a few databases on it. I have indicated the following in my .env file (private information like IPs and credentials omitted):
I then run the command “migrate install” in commandbox and this happens:

I don’t plan to install the migrations in the master database. I’m curious why the command wants to install the tables there 
I understand that in the documentation there’s a step about schema that I may be forgetting? All of my database tables use .dbo, so I’m curious how changing it would do anything to help.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks for reading 
I’m pretty sure you’re missing your connection string, like so:
I’ve never used that last one (db_database) because the database name is specified in the connection string. “Master” sounds like MSSQL’s default choice.
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Thanks for the reply!
I added the following to my .env file
My app starts just fine now, but the “migrate install” command yields the same error message. Any ideas?
is “receiving_coldbox_app” the name of your database in MSSQL?
Are you providing a user and password? Typically:
Does that user have access to receiving_coldbox_app?
And I’m sure you saw this but you’ve got the cfmigrations section setup in your box.json right? (FORGEBOX: CFMigrations Commands)
Yes, “receiving_coldbox_app” is the name of the database in MSSQL.
Yes, I am providing credentials in my .env under DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD
That user does have access to the receiving_coldbox_app database.
The only thing I have not setup in the cfmigrations box.json section is the DB_SCHEMA , it seems. What would I put there, as each table in my database is a .dbo?
The root schema name. For MSSQL, it’s usually “dbo”.
Can you paste your migrations config from your box.json
It looks good to me Jeff - Did you reload your CommandBox after you made any changes to your .env or box.json files to make sure the changes get picked up?
That is something I did not know I needed to do!

So now I’m getting a different error. While it’s still an error, it’s promising!
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Update: It works now. I needed to remove the quotation marks around my connection string in my .env file. Thanks for the help guys 
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