Turn off debug output


I do not want to see the output on the production server error, turn
off debugMode but still I see the error output.

the example below;


What is the solution, please help me.


Did you reinit framework ?

for example like this /index.cfm?fwreinit=1


yes, I have tried many times

My conf.

  function configure(){

    // coldbox directives
    coldbox = {
      //Application Setup
      appName = "Odam Mobilya",
      eventName = "event",

      //Development Settings
      debugMode = false,
      debugPassword = "",
      reinitPassword = "",
      handlersIndexAutoReload = true,
      configAutoReload = false,

      //Implicit Events
      defaultEvent = "index.index",
      requestStartHandler = "Main.onRequestStart",
      requestEndHandler = "",
      applicationStartHandler = "Main.onAppInit",
      applicationEndHandler = "",
      sessionStartHandler = "",
      sessionEndHandler = "",
      missingTemplateHandler = "",

      //Extension Points
      UDFLibraryFile = "includes/helpers/ApplicationHelper.cfm",
      coldboxExtensionsLocation = "",
      modulesExternalLocation = [],
      pluginsExternalLocation = "",
      viewsExternalLocation = "",
      layoutsExternalLocation = "",
      handlersExternalLocation = "",
      requestContextDecorator = "",

      //Error/Exception Handling
      exceptionHandler = "",
      onInvalidEvent = "",
      customErrorTemplate = "",

      //Application Aspects
      handlerCaching = true,
      eventCaching = true,
      proxyReturnCollection = false,
      flashURLPersistScope = "session"

You will need to provide a number of things.

  1. Interception, onExcpetion, onInvalidEvent etc. To then point to your custom error page. If you are using CB 3.0+ I recommend this method.

  2. Make sure you have the onMissingMethod in the Application.cfc.

And if you then check development/production you can then switch on or off, in other words you don’t display the custom error page, but display the error to you instead.

Thanks for all Mr. Andrew

How do I open and turn off the development/production.

before making the following

environments = {
      development = "odam.localhost"

  function development(){
    // Override coldbox directives
    coldbox.handlerCaching = false;
    coldbox.eventCaching = false;
    coldbox.handlersIndexAutoReload = true;
    coldbox.debugMode = true;
